Amber Bracelet 蜜蜡 12mm
Amber Bracelet 蜜蜡 12mm
Amber 蜜蜡 12mm
Amber is most often found in earthy colors, like yellow, orange, and golden brown. In feng shui, these colors are connected to the Tai Qi (health) area of the feng shui bagua map. The Tai Qi area is in the center of the bagua, so it’s connected to all other parts of your home and your life. If you think about health, this makes sense: taking care of your physical body impacts all other areas of your life, including your career, your relationships, your ability to attract wealth, and more. The Tai Qi area is also related to the earth element, which is all about grounding, stability, and nourishment. It’s often a good idea to work with the earth element if you are feeling ungrounded or anxious, or if you want to work on boundaries.
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